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Human rights and Environment

Runtime:  68 min. | Recommended Ages: 14 -18

The films are screened under Greek subtitles

The program explores the themes of its fragility, changing situations, environmental and social collapse.

Memories connected to water. Films that move so much...

The program is prefaced by the author Manina Zouboulaki.

Shorts in this lineup:



Animation by Camille Monnier

13 min I France


Under a scorching sun, Charlie is bored stiff and dreams of going to the seaside. But she's forced to stay in a dingy motel with her cousin Jess, who slouches in her deckchair. The two teenagers don't get along and bicker at every opportunity. On the radio, the monotone voice of an eminent researcher in collapsology predicts the imminent end of the world. The pool is empty, the sun is beating down and the tension is mounting: the ecological apocalypse announced on the airwaves suddenly becomes real.

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Animation - Documentary dir. by  Kim Yip Tong

13 min I France

On July 25, 2020, the bulk carrier MV Wakashio ran aground on the reef on the east coast of Mauritius. 12 days later, oil began to spill, causing the worst ecological disaster ever to occur in the region.

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Fiction by Alexandre Isabelle I 13min I Canada

While the townsfolk are celebrating the village's anniversary parade, Étienne tries the impossible: to show them how beautiful his family’s cacophony really is.    

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Animation dir.  by Florence Miailhe

15 min I France

In the sea, a man swims.
As he does, memories come to the surface.
From his early childhood to his life as a man, all his memories are linked to water.

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Animation - Documentary dir. by  Mélody Boulissière, Bogdan Stamatin 14 min I Romania

1939. A soldier meets a young woman. Their love story begins. The soldier is called to the front and their love dissolves in the war. 2014. During a long interview, the 91-year-old woman recounts the secrets of a forgotten time, revealed for the last time. What remains of a love story after three quarters of a century and a world war?

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